Nanotoxicology is a study of potential health risks linked to
nanomaterials. It is hard to pinpoint because every different nano material has
a different health impact on our bodies. Overall however, nanotechnology is a
legitimate issue because the nano-particles of nanotech can invade bodies and
accumulate in organs and tissues. In addition, it is hard to regulate because
the regulations would have to clarify a different set of regulations for each
different nanomaterial: an unrealistic goal.
Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology has potential in many bio-sensory applications. Scientists and
doctors are seeking to use Nanotechnology as a molecular tool and to gather
empirical information. The desired product is to develop medicine and treatment
procedures. Speculative theorizes hope that Nanotechnology will soon be able to
revolutionize drug delivery procedures, cancer treatment procedures, and
enhanced imaging and sensory-mapping.
Molecular nanotechnology is a sub-level of nanotechnology that
works to developing machines that could manipulate molecular arrangements of
both health factors and abiotic factors. Similar to the grey goo end-world
scenario, the green goo is the application that organisms will self replicate
through nanotech methods and take over the world. On a more realistic note, the
potential with molecular nanotech is boundless: soon, we'll be able to isolate
specific malignant cells and destroy them. Cancer, HIV: in effect, any disease
affecting our cells could be targeted and treated.
NEC and IBM: These are two major nanotech patent owners. They
hold the legal right to the carbon nanotube; a promising technology that will
soon have applications in electronics, construction, military, drug therapy and
others. In 2003 alone there were over 800 nano-related innovative patents
granted. Nanotechnology is a ripening study-focus field arising on the global
stage right now.
Nanopollution in general is any and all waste made by nanomachines or
during production of such devices. It is an issue because the nanomaterials can
float rapidly through the air and developers still do not know if it can or
will penetrate animal and plant cells. Some speculate that because these
nanobits do not exist in nature that the environment as a whole will not know
how to respond, inevitably suffering. In addition, even any attempts at
disposal of such nanotech pieces could cause more environmental damage: it
could be that the permanent damage has already been introduced into our
ecosystems across Earth.