Thursday, May 22, 2014

Possible Health Issues From Nanopollution

Reactive Oxygen Species (Free Radicals) and Similar Negatives of Nano-particles
                When nanoparticles get into our body’s cells, through inhalation or contact with our skin, they cause the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS’s), also known as free radicals. Free radicals and ROS’s are molecules or ions made by the incomplete reduction (by adding electrons) of oxygen. When these molecules circulate throughout the body, they can cause health issues such as inflammation, DNA and protein harm, and oxidative stress (stress on the body coming from failure to balance oxygen-intermediates and toxicity with normal healthy functions). Because of their large surface area, these nano-materials can attach to the outside of enzyme proteins and block them from functioning—causing catastrophic results for the body.
                In effect, the air humans and other organisms breathe is in danger of being filled with micro particles that can infiltrate our bodies. Normal defense mechanisms of the body are vulnerable to these micro assassins. Because these nano aggressors are so small, when inhaled they can pass through the defense barriers of our tissues and even make their ways to the brain. The potential risk need not be stated. Such causes of these air pollutants include car exhaust, nano technology production, use of Carbon-60 in designs and manufacturing, and finally from other manufacturing procedures including manganese oxide production from welding facilities. 

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